i-CREATe 2022

Mr Schwinger Wong, Chi Kit

Assistant Chief Executive
Evangelical Lutheran Church Social Service – Hong Kong

Topic: Smart Journey in Primary Healthcare Service

Speaker Profile:

Schwinger Wong Chi Kit was a registered occupational therapist and the first Chinese accredited trainer for Dementia Care Mapping in his early years of career. Being a front-line therapist and service development roles, he advocated holistic and seamless healthcare through the use of technology, exemplified by his award winning projects like “Brain Fitness Gym” (Grand Award at Asia Pacific ICT Alliance (APICTA) 2010 Awards), “eElderly” (Bronze Award at HK ICT Awards) and “Smart Use of ICT for Frail Elders” (Silver Award at Hong Kong ICT Awards 2013). When he devotes and shifts more efforts to NGO’s management, he champions telehealth platforms and technological advancement to improve efficiency and cost effectiveness. In his present capacity as the Assistant Chief Executive of Evangelical Lutheran Church Social Service – Hong Kong (ELCHK), Schwinger has been providing a strategic direction on ELCHK’s information technology development, pioneering technological solutions in primary healthcare development and community-based rehabilitation at Tuen Mun District Health Centre as well as spearheading innovative approaches in social housing.

With his diverse background in clinical services as well as proficiency in managing multidisciplinary and cross-sectoral projects, he has revolutionized traditional service delivery processes with person-centered focus, application of assistive technology and rehabilitation engineering.

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