i-CREATe 2022

Ir Dr Zheng Pai

Assistant Professor
Wong Tit Shing Endowed Young Scholar in Smart Robotics
Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

Topic: A vision-based approach for mutual cognitive human-robot collaboration

Speaker Profile:

Ir Dr ZHENG Pai is currently an Assistant Professor, Wong Tit Shing Endowed Young Scholar in Smart Robotics, and Lab-in-Charge of Digitalized Service Laboratory, in the Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering, at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University. His research interest includes smart product-service systems, human-robot collaboration, and intelligent manufacturing systems. Dr. Zheng is a CIRP Affiliate, Senior Member of IEEE and CMES, Member of ASME and HKIE, and serves as the Associate Editor of Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing and Journal of Cleaner Production, Editorial Board Member of the Journal of Manufacturing Systems and Advanced Engineering Informatics, and Guest Editor/Reviewer for several high impact international journals in the manufacturing and industrial engineering field.

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